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0.8.3 JIT / 08-12-2019





average rating is 3.6 out of 5
average rating is 3.1 out of 5
average rating is 4 out of 5

MelonDS is a work-in-progress Nintendo DS emulator aiming for better performance while being able to to emulate Wi-Fi and local multiplayer capabilities. It has many quality of life features such as save states, Joystic support, screen positioning, RTC, microphone and much more..! It's developed by a former contributor of DeSmuME and even has libretro core available. There's also active development of an Android port.

It also requires DS BIOS/firmware copies

  • bios7.bin, 16KB: ARM7 BIOS

  • bios9.bin, 4KB: ARM9 BIOS

  • firmware.bin, 128/256/512KB: firmware

Please note firmware boot requires a firmware dump from an original DS or DS Lite. DS firmwares dumped from a DSi or 3DS aren't bootable and only contain configuration data, thus they are only suitable when booting games directly.


Windows: None Reported

Mac: Install the appropriate libraries beforehand with the Homebrew Package Manager.

         In Terminal, type  "brew install qt5 sdl2 libslirp"

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