0.125 / 14-05-2024
MedGui Reborn
MedGui Reborn is a Windows Front-End/Gui for Mednafen multi-system emulator. It features a modern "Metro" style by MetroMed GUI appendix, scanning of rom with comparization with NoIntro Dats, support for compressed files and multi archive in. rar, .7zip, mount on the fly cd based games in compressed zip/cfs/ciso format by Pismo File Mount, automatic/Manual download of available Game Box Art and much more..!
Most Recent Changes
On Scraped function unified Mega Drive - Genesis query
Create Movie folder structured based on console
Movie record will be moved to folder console
Fixed Clean Entries Menu
Fixed wrong empty folder/file detection on recursive scan
Added the option to convert a dat in a generic simple and compatible MedGuiR dat
Better way to detect emu4crt Mednafen fork
Manage of CHD, based to normal Mednafen or by emu4crt fork
Improved the sasplayer and arcade titan video rom , detection
Fixed(?) any Megadrive rom detection with bin file compressed in archive container
Updated json library
Updated 7z library
MetroMed beta 12
Now you can open custom games csv file list
Fixed file list when you swap from tile to list and viceversa
Fixed the alphabetical sorting mode on list view
Fixed specific detection of ico console
Improved loading of image
Added a option to set animation speed tranition
Added movie snap preview ,"you need codec installed on your pc" (supported file are .mov, .mp4, .avi, .webm)
Optimized snap preview
Added import Boxart and Movie Snap menu
Ps: To play Video Snap, if you needed, You can download and use K-Lite Basic codec pack
Ps: A collection of video game snap are available here
Fixed do not worked rom sorter after launched a game
Fixed broken boxart and update download on Win XP
Ignored ssl certificate on webclient
Set Mute Discord by default on MedClient
Cosmetic change on Cheat Manager
Changed qwebirc nick default user
Added support for ps1 bios extracted from ps3 firmware
Added Favourites to MedClient comboconsole
Fixed empy boxart when a download attempt fails (thx Boubikos for bug report)
Fixed Cheat Manager for pce_fast module
Fixed netbutton behavior on textual medgui menu when you start a netplay session by medclient
Organized and grouped in a better way the file extension on file open window
Added "Clean entries from list" on Advanced menu
Always enabled "Remove from list" option on Adavnced Menu
Added text clipboard copy when you perform a left double click mouse button on "Version" info on the right medguir tab
Added m3u suffix to multi-disc game names to make it easier for the user to recognize them
Added preliminary support for Custom CSV game list (using MedGuiR CSV Creator)
Added new "Switchres" parameter for @psakhis emu4crt Mednafen fork
Added new parameters for next Mednafen 1.32.0-UNSTABLE
Merged any Pull Requests from @click4dylan MedGuiR Fork
Updated 7z.dll to the last version
Updated Modern7z.dll to the last version
Fixed wrong disabled groupbox on MedClient
hidden the link to BSFree due to link not available anymore
Disabled horizontal overscan area option on PCE_FAST module (thx skalt711 for report the bug)
Fixed relative path problem (thx ZzackK for bug report)
Fixed a bug with wrong stored record codec parameter (thx ZzackK for bug report)
Fixed a bug with psx game with multiple "[" on cheat manager
Fixed a bug with sbi patch path
Changed icon showed on m3u detection
Added MedClient load at Startup (thx ZzackK for suggestion)
On MedClient swapped "Utra Crappy IRC" with "qwebirc" by webbrowser component, due to any bugs encountered on IrcClient.dll (many many thx to ZzackK for report bugs and test)
Fixed a crash at launch of MedPad that appear when datagridview is empty
Changed gamesdatabase URL
Changed http reference to https
MedPad - Changes
Converted scancodes to a humanly readable output (thx skalt711 for suggetion)
Fixed a very stupid error on "per-config" creation, that caused stderror log on Mednafen
Made the output message that appears after creating a specific config file more understandable
Added a function to set default input device for selected console and player
Showed Default input assigned to Mednafen
Added No$PSX v2.2 BIOS support
Added webbrowserfix class for internal browser ('Code imported from here.
Fixed Discord webhook due to a small change to Discord API
Added error 404 and 500 to webrequest on cheat manager
Added Server List and "send rom to server" on MedClient form
Fixed again a problem with gamehacking.org cheat download due to small change on main API
Changed MedGuiR updater to a dedicated GitHub page (Thx Valerius and Orbea for suggestion)
Improve management of missing essential resources
Fixed a bug with Single file Scan routine
Improved MedClient controls and fixed a crash occur in some circumstances
Updated Newtonsoft.Json to v.13.0.2
On perconfig fixed a problem with doubled quoted string
Better management of errors on failure extraction for compressed archive
In Cheat manager if the error 403 appear, MedGuiR try to connect again one time to gamehacking.org server
Unrecognized games will be named as original file name (thx Cyber Akuma for report the bug)
Fixed a bug with multiple entries for the same game with multi bin file (thx Cyber Akuma for report the bug)
Added sound device selector
Improved and fixed scan detection on PSX and Saturn games
Fixed error message for ST-V games on 32 bit OS
Added no$psx bios v2.1 hash to the supported psx bios
Fixed a regression on last MedGuiR release on multiple entries for bin file and undetected cd based games
Imported custom boxart will refresh boxart picture instantly
Now advanced menu on the rom grid will be opened with a single right mouse button click instead double click
Fixed broken Mouse Cursor visibility option due to due to a spelling mistake (Thx to SkyPirate1 to report bug)
Fixed tooltip onto goat mask pattern (Thx to SkyPirate1 to report bug)
Added Bioses on "Per console config" (thx SkyPirate1 for suggestion)
on advanced setting will be anbled only the bioses useful for selected console (thx SkyPirate1 for suggestion)
Fixed a bug that showed empty pc engine bioses in any circumstance
Highlight the editable BIOS text boxes
Fixed the "Waiting for extraction..." popup, which did not close in case of error (thx rocknard for report the bug)
Fixed the obsolete link of sbi patch which does not allow automatic download (thx rocknard for report the bug)
Forced Tls12 security protocol because August 22' net framework patch create problems with Discord connection
Disabled Discord presence on Win XP OS
Added ST-V game list support
Alligned to last Mednafen 1.31.0-UNSTABLE
Added Sega Arcade SCSP Player support
Fixed a bug introduced on last MedGuiR release that broke Mednafen auto update function
Fixed a regression that block the extraction of 7z or rar cd based file into "romtemp" folder (thx to Drop bop for reporting the bug)
This is only a update, if this is your first download, you need also the full MedGuiR v0.118.
Patched SevenZipSharp.dll to support rar4/5 file and probably (in future?) zstd file
Added support to Win XP OS for zstd file contained into .zip or .7z container by https://www.tc4shell.com/en/7zip/proxy7z/ and https://www.tc4shell.com/en/7zip/modern7z/
Added "Purge Box-Arts" option into "Reset" menu to fix and clean damaged Boxart
ixed boxart batch downloader
Removed Freenode from MedClient autoconnection window and added irc.oftc.net
Fixed a crash on clone function when you select Desktop as path
Fixed crash on clone file due to unsupported chars
Added progress bar to clone file operation
Increased the rom size detection for (Megadrive) bin file to 16000000 Byte
Added all new parameters introduced in Mednafen v.1.28.0 Unstable
Added support for .zst file (this file will be managed as generic file without game console detection)
Added support for .zip and .7z file compressed with Zstd format (this containers format will be managed as ususal with game console detection)
Added native support for loading CD images from .zip or .zst archives by Mednafen, enabling "cd.image_memcache 1" parameter in Mednafen config file or by GUI
(This file will be managed as generic file without game console detection and can't be prescanned)MedGuiR now use .ico file instead .gif to show console icon into the rom list, seem that improve the games list loading and reduce drastically the memory usage
Fixed any sparsed bugs (I hope)
Updated FPS display position parameters
Fixed a regression that prevented the filtering of games by region on the icon menu
Changed Default Mednafen IRC server
Added instruction to cheat manager to enable cheat code
Added a complete rom filter that include both "region" "game name" and "genre" (unluckly no support for headerless rom and cd based games)
Added on "File Manager" box, "Clone file to" another path (useful to move games filtered by genre, name, region into a specific directory "You say external microsd?")
Added new MetroMed release v0.11 with a new list grid layout
If default rom path is empty or not detectable, medgui will create and set one, named ROMS folder (requested by PFTM)
Added mednafen backup config on command key window
Fixed a bug on search rom filter in MedClient
On textual menu, added a LED to notify if Autoconnect to Server is enabled or not
Added a Virtual Keyboard usable with gamepad to Search Rom
Changed beaviour of joypad button on the GUI
Added a "fast load" option to MedGui settings to improve the populations of datagrid list rom
Fixed a crash that occuring when MedClient FTP is not accessible
Increased the folder rom detection for extracted game to 40000000 byte (thx to Alien Grey for report the bug)
On Advanced menu added a option to rename a game name with a custom name (thx to Snacko for suggestion)
Added video.glformat parameter/option for 16bpp graphics Mednafen output support
Added support for Compact File Set compliant images (https://pismotec.com/cfs/)
Change a bit the control pad code to make it compatible with medgui textual top menu
Now boxart background color is the same of the GUI
Add Tabpage tab colours change with background (code from https://dotnetrix.co.uk/tabcontrol.htm)
Fixed a bug with start and detection of a file with same crc
Added .ciso support
Fixed hide of snes enhancement chip rom in rom list
Added Spismo tool to convert cd image format into Compact File Set format (you need Pismo File Mount Audit Package installed on your pc to enable cfs support into MedGuiR) https://pismotec.com/download/
Minor cosmetic change on Mednafen Server detection
Added error 404 on gamehacking.org downloader
Removed wrong tooltips on any tabs
Added tls1.2 support on missing parts (should solve the broken boxart scraper function)
Fixed the wrong beaviour on missing tls support on Net Framework 2.0
Changed Vimm's query on link tab
Changed Discord webhook
Added a control and warning for special chars inside a folder name
This is only a update, if this is your first download, you need also the full MedGuiR v0.113.
Not more addictions this time, fixed any bugs.
Extract and overwrite this archive on your MedGuiR main path.
Removed wrong tooltips on any tabs
Added tls1.2 support on missing parts (should solve the broken boxart scraper function)
On MedClient added a simple game list to start a netplay session on the fly
Fixed scanlines trackbar value on sms
Fixed selection of medguir menu style at first startup
Changed and fixed popup boxart on the screen
Autocheck internal browser under WINE
Fixed advanced mednafen settings show form under WINE
Fixed search game filter on combobox
Cosmetic change on grid
Key shortcuts and joypad polling will be disabled if medguir form is not active
Managed password request added on UCI
Fixed any server message on UCI
UCI irc is now integrated with MedClient to better manage online session
Added notification icon on traybar for MedClient with details for online sessions opened and irc users connected
Added any common irc functions on UCI irc
Added EZNotification (popup widget) (https://github.com/clusterzx/EZNotifications) for opened online session, you can change theme on medguir notification icon on tray bar by right click mouse button
Added Discord announcement on MedGuiR > NetPlay Discord channel (https://github.com/Kowalski7/Discord-Webhook-Announcer)
Minor cosmetic change
Removed specific NoDesync settings for psx and nes (now unuseful)
Added netplay mednafen doc onto medclient section
Fixed reload icon resource on MedClient
Minor cosmetic change on MedClient
Change a bit the menu code
Fixed selectable initial firmware path
Disabled any redundant calling function
Fixed filter of rom search on drag and drop
Improved read of DATs
Removed the autoscan of games playlist after DATs update
Added a simple file manager/organizer
Optimized the mednafen process detection by a function (should speedup the GUI startup loading)
Changed the behavior of MedClient
Now the rooms session state can be saved on medguir ini
The Medclient service now send input configuration to prevent config mismatch
Added another ddns for medclient and mednafen server
Fixed any bad translated string
Fixed a small bug with refresh of rom grid in text menu mode
Changed behaviour of rapid rom searcher textbox
Fixed detection of per-config system file
Solved a bug with snes faust hblend option, that caused crash on old mednafen version
Fixed negative value problem with per-game config file
Now per-game config will do not delete still existent input config
Changed suffix "/v1/" on tgbd api (now scrape function work again)
Now user can chose to open mednafen general doc or specific per module
Added conversion from chd to cue/bin
Added a old style menu instead icons menu, on the top of frontend, user can swap between the two menu in "General Tab", selecting "Text Menu" option
Fixed a crash that occur when is impossible to detect the windows os version
Fixed behaviour of netplay button