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average rating is 4.7 out of 5
average rating is 4.3 out of 5
average rating is 4.7 out of 5

Dolphin is a GameCube and Wii emulator which supports resolutions beyond Full HD with several enhancements: compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and much more.​


You have to experiment with the different graphics backends (D3D, OpenGl, Vulkan, etc.) as performance can vary significantly depending on your hardware. Please follow their guide for more details!  Rule of thumb: Start with the lowest resolution and increase while gameplay/sound aren't choppy.


For game enhancements (smoothing, anti-aliasing, etc.), apply same principle as mentioned previously while taking into consideration resolution. 


Windows: 10+ 64-bit 

Linux: 64-bit

macOS: 10.10 Yosemite+ & 64-bit

Android: 5.0+

CPU: modern 3 GHz and Dual Core with SSE2 support (not older than ~2008)
GPU: modern card with Direct3D 10.0+ / OpenGL 3.0+

Most Recent Changes

  • Qt/GameConfigEdit: Fix some settings being in the wrong section (PR #7787 from spycrab)

  • Merge pull request #7717 from spycrab/macos_updater

  • UICommon/AutoUpdate: Add macOS support

  • Externals/ed25519: Add CMakeLists.txt

  • MacUpdater: Initial implementation

  • Merge pull request #7787 from spycrab/issue_11551

  • Qt/GameConfigEdit: Fix some settings being in the wrong section

Show Previous Changes

On their next update, this section will be refreshed.

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