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Continuous Integration (CI) builds have the latest features and fixes for mupen64plus and zilmar-spec emulators for Windows, and are generally stable, but may introduce bugs and have incomplete translations.


Select Your Platform

Lastest Master Build:

ded38f8 / 24-03-2024

Once platform is chosen, you will have different versions depending on your emulator.

If you want to download an earlier build, go to "History" in CI builds and select the build you want.

Build From Source (Windows)


  • Minimal supported OS version : Windows 7 32 bit

  • MS Visual Studio 2013 or newer. MS Visual Studio 2015 or 2017 recommended.

  • Git for Windows Download and install. Open Git Bash console in your workspace folder, clone GLideN64. To clone type: git clone

  • Set environment variables (right click on This Computer=>Properties=>Additional system parameters=>Environment variables=>Create)


N64PluginsDir . Set its value as path to Plugin folder for 32bit zilmar-spec emulators, such as Project64

N64PluginsDir_x64. Set its value as path to Plugin64\GFX folder for 64bit version of Project64

Mupen64PluginsDir . Set its value as path to folder with plugins for 32bit version of mupen64plus

Mupen64PluginsDir_x64 . Set its value as path to folder with plugins for 64bit version of mupen64plus


Build mupen64plus version

  • all necessary libs are already in the project.

  • Run Visual Studio. Solution file for Visual Studio: projects/msvc/GLideN64.sln

  • To build the debug version select configuration "Debug_mupenplus" To build the release version select configuration "Release_mupenplus"

  • Select platform. win32 for 32bit mupen64plus, x64 for 64bit one.

  • Press F7 or choose Build > Build Solution from the menu bar.

  • After successful build resulted files will be copied to folder, which you set in environment variable - Mupen64PluginsDir for 32bit build, Mupen64PluginsDir_x64 for 64bit build.


Build zilmar spec version

How to build GLideNUI.

GLideNUI uses static build of QT libraries. You may build them from sources (right way) or download archive with precompiled ready to use libs (lazy way).


Lazy way


  • Unpack it somewhere, for example to C:\QT. You should get C:\QT\qt-5_7_1-x86-msvc2013-static, C:\QT\qt-5_7_1-x86-msvc2015-static or C:\QT\qt-5_7_1-x86-msvc2017-static after unpack



Right way


  • Python is necessary for building QT from sources. Download and install Python for Windows somewhere. This instruction implies that it is installed in C:\Tools\Python

  • Perl also can be handy. Download and install Perl for Windows somewhere. This instruction implies that it is installed in C:\Tools\Perl

  • jom. jom is a clone of nmake to support the execution of multiple independent commands in parallel. It works much faster than nmake on PC with multicore CPU. Download binary package and unpack somewhere. This instruction implies that it is unpacked to C:\Tools\jom


Build steps

  • Download QT sources from here: I recommend to use QT version 5.7.1 atm. This version is not newest one, but GLideN64 has simple GUI and does not use fancy features. Instruction below corresponds to 5.7.1 Different version may require different steps.

  • Unpack downloaded archive somewhere, for example C:\QT\qt-everywhere-opensource-src

  • Go to C:\QT\qt-everywhere-opensource-src\qtbase\mkspecs\common folder. In that folder find file msvc-desktop.conf. Open it in any text editor and replace all occurrences of "-MD" by "-MT", case sensitive.
    Important: If you use Visual Studio 2013, find in this file line MAKEFILE_GENERATOR = MSVC.NET and remove it.
    Save your changes.

  • Decide, where your want to see compiled QT build. For example, C:\Qt\qt-5_7_1-x86-msvc2015-static

  • Open Visual Studio command prompt. In command line window type


cd C:\QT\qt-everywhere-opensource-src

SET _ROOT=C:\QT\qt-everywhere-opensource-src

SET PATH=%_ROOT%\qtbase\bin;%_ROOT%\gnuwin32\bin;%PATH%

SET PATH=C:\Tools\Python;C:\Tools\Perl\bin;C:\Tools\jom;%PATH%


configure -no-freetype -qt-libpng -qt-zlib -qt-pcre -qt-libjpeg -c++std c++11 -mp -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -static -make libs -nomake tools -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix C:\Qt\qt-5_7_1-x86-msvc2015-static -platform win32-msvc2015 -opengl desktop -no-openssl


jom install


  • Build will take time. Wait.


Setup Visual Studio to work with QT

  • You need QT add-in for Visual Studio.
    For Visual Studio 2013 download the add-in from download page. Install.
    For Visual Studio 2015 or newer, open Tools=>Extensions and Updates=>Online. Search for QT. Install QT Visual Studio tools.

  • Restart Visual Studio.

  • Open Visual Studio solution GLideN64.sln It is located in projects/msvc folder

  • Open QT5 - QTOptions dialog and add path to your QT build

  • Right click on GLideN64 solution and select Change Solution QT version. Select your build.

  • Select "Debug" or "Release" configuration.

  • Build GLideNUI project.


How to build GLideN64

  • Open solution GLideN64.sln It is located in projects/msvc folder

  • To build the debug version select configuration "Debug" To build the release version select configuration "Release"

  • Select platform. win32 for 32bit emulators, x64 for 64bit ones.

  • Press F7 or choose Build > Build solution from the menu bar.

  • After successful build resulted files will be copied to folder, which you set in environment variable - N64PluginsDir for 32bit build, N64PluginsDir_x64 for 64bit build.


Build From Source (Linux)


This is a quick guide on how to successfully build GLideN64 on Linux. As long as you have an understanding of basic terminal commands and you are familiar with your distros package manager you should be all set!



I can only list the Fedora package names but a quick search on the net should be able to the equivalent packages on your distro.


  • Fedora

gcc gcc-c++ cmake libstdc++-static libX11-devel mesa-libGL-devel freetype-devel


  • Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ cmake libgl1-mesa-dev libfreetype6-dev libmupen64plus-dev zlib1g-dev


Ubuntu 14 and older: you will need to compile libpng 1.4.xx from source too, since Ubuntu uses an old version of this library (1.2.xx). Take a look at issue #461 for more details.


Initial Setup

  • At the moment the sources are only available in the binary zip file. Download and extract to a location of your choice.

  • Open Terminal and change the directory to the folder containing "" (Typically in the "src" folder).

  • Run the following commands (might need root permissions use either su or sudo):


chmod +x


Note: The step above might fail because we did not get the files from a git repository. There is no easy solution to this other than to manually create a Revision.h file in the /src directory containing #define PLUGIN_REVISION "1". This should be resolved in the future.


mkdir build
cd build



  • First we need to generate the makefile.

  • Run the following command:




Assuming there are no Dependency errors this should generate a Makefile in the build folder we created earlier.



  • The final stage. All that we have to do now is compile it. Run the following command:




Note: If you have a quad core processor you can use make -j5 to speed up the process but this can make debugging build errors more difficult.


If all goes well the compile should complete with no errors and a plugin folder will be created in the build folder we created at the start.



  • Given that this is a linux guide I am going to assume that you are using mupen64plus. Run the following commands to copy the plugin to the correct directory:

cd plugin/Release
cp /usr/local/lib/mupen64plus


Note: You will need root permisions for the copy command. Use su on Fedora and sudo on Ubuntu.


  • When you launch mupen64plus from the command line use the following command:

mupen64plus --gfx rom.ext


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